Category: Productivity
Cell Phone Memory Loss: Too Much Media Multitasking
by Alex Athey | Apr 6, 2021 | Productivity | 0
We’ve all been known to mix and match multiple pieces of media simultaneously. Does that mean cell phones cause memory loss?
Read MorePremature Optimization is the Root of All Evil
by Alex Athey | Feb 25, 2021 | Productivity | 0
The coding quip “premature optimization is the root of all evil” matters as much for lifestyle habits as programming, relevant to everyone
Read MoreMaker’s Schedule, Manager’s Schedule: Is It Science-Supported? Part 2: Task-Switching Research
by Alex Athey | Feb 4, 2021 | Productivity | 0
Part 2 of a look at the Maker and Manager Schedule concept, this time focusing on how task switching hinders programmer’s productivity
Read MoreMaker’s Schedule, Manager’s Schedule: Is It Science-Supported? Part 1: Overview
by Alex Athey | Jan 28, 2021 | Productivity | 0
Graham’s The Maker and The Manager sums up the eternal battle between the creator and meetings. This applies it to software development
Read MoreCoding to Ambient Noise: Idle Indulgence or Smart Strategy
by Alex Athey | Jan 7, 2021 | Productivity | 0
Some like to code to music while others enjoy stony silence. This post looks at a study about the optimal productivity balance between the two
Read MoreHow to Make E-Mail Actually Be Asynchronous
by Alex Athey | Dec 31, 2020 | Productivity | 0
Keeping non-emergency communications to asynchronous email is a key productivity habit…but there are obstacles to deal with first.
Read MoreDon’t Let Your Phone Hypnotize You Out of Work
by Alex Athey | Dec 24, 2020 | Productivity | 0
Cell phones and hypnosis: is there a link? (spoiler alert: yes, there is, and I talk about it here)
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Hi, I’m Alex
I’ve been a software engineer consultant since 2010 after years of being a 9-to-5 cubicle dweller, and I had to make many adjustments to be successful in that role compared to when I was an employee.
After years of working on my own productivity habits and researching supplement & nootropics stacks to improve my performance, I want to share what I learned with more than my friends and colleagues. About Adaptable Developer